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What are the eligibility requirements for the McDVoice survey?Food - New York City (New York) - January 18, 2025
To participate in the McDVoice survey at, customers must meet specific eligibility requirements. You need a valid receipt from a recent McDonald's visit, which includes a 26-digit survey code. The receipt must not be older than seven...
What devices are compatible with - New York City (New York) - January 3, 2025
DisneyPlus offers seamless streaming across a wide range of devices, ensuring you never miss your favorite shows and movies. Compatible devices include smart TVs from brands like Samsung, LG, and Sony, as well as streaming platforms like Roku, Amazon...
How long does it take to complete the McDVoice feedback survey?Food - New York City (New York) - January 2, 2025
The mcdvoice feedback survey on typically takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. This short survey is designed to gather customer opinions about their recent McDonald's experience, including service quality, food, and overall satisfaction...
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